So while Part 3 is about to come out, the animation for it was already done months ago and it took a long time to get audio done for it due to real life obstacles and such. Life happens. But in the meantime I was able to make a ton of progress on Part 4. Part 4 is going to be the biggest and longest video yet. For instance, I'm already 5 min in and still got probably another 5 (or more) to go. The dragon is gonna enjoy her some more. There's a bunch of dialogue on it and several things are happening such as her climax, ovulation (visualized!), knotting, position shifts (still doggy) and more. But it's not the last one. I have been dividing the parts up by positions. Part 1 was oral, 2 was cowgirl, 3 is anal. So Part 4 is doggy and 5 will be missionary with his deep impregnating creampie. Part 5 will be the last one, then I'm off to newer projects and other characters. Until then, I hope you all enjoy part 3 and look forward to Part 4 which will be amazeballs.