Hey everyone, wanted to give you all an update on the next part of the Freya "Game Over" animation. Part 2 was originally going to be a large scene covering several positions and thus ending in impregnation. However, due to my busy work schedule and other life duties, I have not been able to progress on the animation as fast as I wanted to. So I decided to split Part 2 up. First will be a cowgirl scene, which you may see in the previews I've posted, this will be "Part 2". It will be followed by at least 2 more parts. The Part 2 "cowgirl" animation and rendering is done and undergoing the audio pass by SoundGate with new dialogue lines for Freya recorded by CountessofRoses. It is almost done and sounds great! I will do some final lip syncing and clean up touches and give the final piece to my subs for an exclusive viewing before releasing it to the public.
So that's my update! I'll try to be more active here and make sure I post updates and releases here like I do everywhere else at the same time. Thanks for your feedback and support!
-Doc Ark
well... Atleast its happening, i guess